Looking to lease our your commercial space to a tenant?

Commercial Leases

Our property team is ready to help document your agreement to minimise problems which may arise later.
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How long does it take?

Allow 6 weeks before the commencement date, where possible

Who's Involved?

  • You and your lawyer
  • The tenant and their lawyer (if they are represented)
  • Your leasing agent (if you have one)
  • Your bank (if you have a mortgage on your property and we need to obtain your bank's consent to the lease)

What's the process?

Taking your instructions and drafting the lease documents

We'll catch up to discuss the proposed lease and give you some advice. We'll ask you lots of questions to make sure we understand your expectations like what the tenant will be permitted to do with your space, how long the lease will run for and how the rent will be calculated each year.

We'll run you through any things you need to know about your proposal too, because there's usually special rules that apply to leasing out your retail space. You'll also usually be required to provide the tenant with a fact sheet and a statement setting out the outgoings and other key details, so we can help with this too.

We'll settle the draft lease and once you're happy with it, we'll send it to the tenant (or their lawyer) for checking, negotiating any amendments, and for signing. Sometimes we will also need to work with your bank to obtain its consent to the lease, if you have a mortgage on title.

After the lease is signed

Once the lease is fully signed, we will provide you with the information you need to make sure you comply with your obligations while the lease is ongoing (especially when it comes to reviews of rent and giving the tenant the required notices for further terms). We'd be happy to help you tick these jobs off when the time comes too.

What to have in order

  • Any title details and maps of the commercial space you might already have handy (even if they are rough). 
  • Full name and contact details for the other party
  • A copy of the draft lease agreement or details of the deal you've negotiated (the rent, when it is going to be payable, how long will the lease be in place and when is it due to commence are good starting points!)
  • Details of all the outgoings you intend to pass on to the tenant (usually rates, water, building insurance and any owners corporation fees are the big ones)

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Our Commercial Leases Team

Meagan Compton
Rebecca Alexander
Shaun Moloney
Grace Spokes
Ashleigh Goodwin
Nicholas Lenehan-Anderson
Lauren Mayer