Looking to lease your farm land?

Leasing Farm Land

Our property team has practical farming knowledge and is ready to tailor your agreement to your needs.
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How long does it take?

About three weeks

Who's Involved?

  • You and your lawyer
  • The landlord
  • Sometimes a leasing agent who has helped negotiate the deal or your accountant if there are any tax-related questions

What's the process?

  • We love to meet you and sit down to get a picture of what you intend to do with the land (will it be for grazing? Cropping? Cutting hay or silage?) This way we can also get an understanding of the practical things like the names of paddocks, where water meters are located, and details of any land which will be excluded from the lease.
  • We'll ask lots of questions about the deal you've negotiated so that we can make sure we properly record the details.
  • Usually (but not always) the landlord's lawyer will draft the proposed lease, so it's important to have us check it on your behalf to make sure it is also fair for you as tenant.
  • Once everyone has agreed to the terms of the lease we'll arrange for it to be signed properly and we'll help you note the key dates in the lease, so you can remember when the lease term expires and when there are reviews of rent due.

What to have in order

  • Any title details and maps of the property you might already have handy (even if they are rough). Don't worry if these details aren't handy as we can locate them.
  • Full name and contact details for the landlord.
  • A copy of the draft lease agreement or details of the deal you've negotiated (the rent, when it is going to be payable, how long will the lease be in place and when is it due to commence are good starting points!)
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Our Leasing Farm Land Team

Meagan Compton
Rebecca Alexander
Shaun Moloney
Grace Spokes
Ashleigh Goodwin
Nicholas Lenehan-Anderson
Lauren Mayer