Looking to purchase or lease livestock?


Our team has practical farming knowledge and is ready to provide advice and make sure the documents reflect your intentions.
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How long does it take?

To document your livestock agreement allow a couple of months (this allows time for negotiation on the terms and conditions of the agreement)

Who's Involved?

  • You and your lawyer
  • The other party and their lawyer (if they are represented)
  • Your accountant
  • A bank or other creditor who has an interest in the livestock

What's the process?

Initial steps

You may be looking to buy, sell or lease livestock or start to transfer the ownership of the herd gradually for future planning purposes. We'll ask you lots of questions about your plans and get a picture of what's involved. Once we've got our heads around your proposal, we'll chat with you and your accountant about any concerns you have (often tax is a big thing to consider when looking at the transfer of livestock).

What we'll consider

Properly dealing with livestock can be a tricky area of law. Documenting an agreement properly will involve thinking about who carries the risk in the animals, when ownership transfers between the parties, who pays for feed and vet costs, who gets to keep the milk cheque, who owns the calves and what happens if the relationship breaks down between the parties part way through the agreement.

After the agreement is signed

Once we've documented the agreement, we'll also consider the need to make a registration on the Personal Property Securities Register to keep the agreement as enforceable as possible.

It is really important that you stick to the terms of the agreement or document any variations you've agreed to in writing during the term of the arrangement.

What to have in order

  • A way to identify each of the animals the subject of your agreement (A list of the herd).
  • The address of the farm where the herd will be located for the duration of the agreement.
  • The name of your entity who is dealing with the livestock (usually your trading entity - you individually, your partnership, trust or company) and that of the other party involved.
  • Details of any existing finance owing secured against the herd.
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Our Livestock Team

Meagan Compton
Rebecca Alexander
Shaun Moloney
Grace Spokes
Ashleigh Goodwin
Nicholas Lenehan-Anderson
Peta Henderson