Looking to establish a sharefarming agreement?


Each sharefarming agreement is different and our team is ready to provide advice and make sure the documents reflect your intentions.
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How long does it take?

Generally 2 to 3 months

Who's Involved?

  • You and your lawyer
  • The other party and their lawyer (if they are represented too)

What's the process?

  • First, we'll meet to go over your proposal and how you expect the agreement to work in practice and discuss any questions or concerns you have. During this meeting we can give you advice about any red flags and some tips on how to mitigate them.
  • Once we have your instructions to proceed, typically, the owner's lawyer drafts the sharefarming agreement for the parties to review (but not always- we are all about being practical!)
  • If you're the sharefarmer, it's important to get advice too and make sure your interests are protected.
  • Once the sharefarming agreement has been signed, it is important to stick to the terms of the agreement or document any variations properly during the term of the sharefarming agreement with the help of your lawyer.

What to have in order

  • Details of the farm land involved (we love when you can provide us with title details and copies of your rates notices).
  • Details of the livestock and who owns them.
  • A list of plant and machinery and details of who owns those items.
  • Details of your trading entity (i.e. wlil you get your share of the milk cheque paid to you personally, as a partnership, or into a company or trust?)
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Our Sharefarming Team

Rebecca Alexander
Meagan Compton
Shaun Moloney