Looking to nominate a family member to inherit your super on your death?


We're here to advise you on your options and to make sure your superannuation benefits are available to your loved ones as quickly as possible at a stressful time.
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How long does it take?

A couple of weeks (quicker if it's urgent)

Who's Involved?

  • You
  • Your lawyer and a member of our team to act as second witness on the document
  • Your super fund or, if you have a self managed super fund, your super advisor

What's the process?

  • We'll catch up and chat about your family and get a picture of your super entitlements and your wishes.
  • Then we'll grab a copy of any relevant documents. If you have a self-managed super fund this means we will take a look at the trust deed and make sure we identify the exact process - the trust deed governs how we set up your death benefit instructions.
  • We'll advise you on your options and draft the paperwork to make sure your wishes are correctly documented.
  • Then we'll catch up again and make sure the paperwork is properly signed and make sure its provided to the super fund trustee as required.

What to have in order

  • A copy of your most recent super statement (or if you can't find one then the name of your super company and your member number); or
  • If you have a self managed super fund then a copy of your super fund trust deed and any existing super fund nomination or death benefit agreement you have in place (we are happy to liaise with your super fund advisor to get these details if need be!)
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Our Superannuation Team

Meagan Compton
Rebecca Alexander
Shaun Moloney
Grace Spokes
Ashleigh Goodwin
Nicholas Lenehan-Anderson
Robyn Armstrong